Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dude, do they really wear a corn cob on their head?

Alright, y’all! Here it is. Nebraska weekend! I know that when you saw this on the schedule over the last few years, you were like, yeah right…it won’t happen. But it IS! Despite our Athletic Department’s obvious disdain for all things fun and, well, competitive (see: last year’s schedule with Furman & Western Kentucky, and next year’s schedule, blech), we do, in fact, have The University of Nebraska Cornhuskers coming to Lane Stadium this weekend! And, honestly, what a September this is…open against Alabama. Throttle Marshall. On deck – Big Red. And closing down the ninth month of the year with Miami. Dear Lord. All my years of suffering under crap schedules seems to have finally paid off. Yesssssss. (fist pump) I’ve only spent countless thousands on football in the interim. How’s that for return on investment! Boo-yah!

Plans are fully underway, as we speak, to pull off another fabulous tailgate. Folks, we are talking Grade-A, Prime Time tailgating. We’ve got some guests this week providing Tequila Lime Chicken. Dude. Can you say, yum? We’re going to have a few corn dishes in honor of the thrashing we’re going to give to those Huskers. And of course, the usual goodies.

And, let me just say, the newest additions to the Tailgate are fitting right in. Brought games and goodies last week and they are down for the Good Times. Solid.

Now, on to our cast of characters this week….

Mr. Fun Pusher is making an appearance. Good News: his battle with The Ick seems to have mostly ended (in a draw, it would seem) and he’s ready to get back to Lane. Bad News: I seem to have picked up The Ick and am semi-over it at this point. But, as I said before, unless I’m delirious or incapacitated, I’m going to this game. H1N1 doesn’t count. Ya’ll will just have to Purell the heck out of yourselves around me. Lol. Christy and Tim (of Alabama game fame) are also coming. Went thru quite the Quest (the Incredible Journey?) to find tickets for them, but we were finally successful. Rachael is coming, perhaps bringing fellow Girls’ Cabin Weekend party-goer, Naomi and her daughter – the 80’s Fashion Icon herself - Brionna. Trey made the GOOD CALL and opted out of WORKING this weekend and is, instead, coming to the game like a good little Beer Man. (Smart move, buddy.) April is still up in the air but I’m betting she comes through. And the rest of the crew (Steve and Meg, Tommy, Brian and Leslie, Mike and Andy, Shelley and her crew…man, am I forgetting someone, I must be…) will all be there, ready to rock!

Here we go, folks. Big Time Football is going to be played in Blacksburg this weekend. Big Time Tailgating is going to be happening with the Hokie Margaritaville crew. Hokies win in a slugfest, by a touchdown, and beat the spread. Bring on the Good Times and GO HOKIES!!!


Jdeer76 said...

Was a tough one, but they did it. GO VT!!!