Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Beach Bound (Hallelujah!)

Hello Kiddies –
Granted it’s not quite football season yet, so of course you’re wondering, why are we hearing from the FP? Well, it’s quite simple. The Gurus have put together one freaking fantastic good times event – and it begins this Friday! So. I had to get on here and give you the lowdown! Want specifics? Ooooh, goody! Let me tell you!! We have rented a house in the Outer Banks of North Carolina and we’re spending a week at the beach. Oooooh yeah! Believe me when I tell you that we’re completely out of our heads with excitement right now – we have total Vacation Brain going on. Work is suffering. We can think of nothing else but sitting in the sand, having some cold ones, and celebrating Good Times. PLEASE let it be Friday soon!! ;-)

Right now, Rachael and Scott get to be the lucky first ones there, since April and Mr. FP have to work on Friday…but, we’re still going to get out of town as soon as we can and head down. I mean, we even bought a new vehicle with this trip in mind! (just kidding, we actually got it for tailgating purposes. LOL. Yes. We are DEDICATED!) But, believe me, we’ll make up for being late to the party soon enough! And, while we're there, we get to celebrate April's birthday, too! Throw those party hats in the bag!

In the meantime, y’all behave while we’re gone. If you’re good – you might get to hear about some of our exploits when we get back! On the immediate horizon, we’ve got tents, towels, coolers and koozies. Sunscreen and siestas. Brew Thrus and beach bars. Water in the ocean, pool and hot tub. Ahhh, bring on the beach!


PS. One extra shout-out to Rachael and Scott - Happy Anniversary, guys!